infiltration result câu
Trying to kick in the front door. Well, that leaves us With a long shot, infiltration.Vậy hãy để đội đột nhập từ xa, vấn đề ở chỗ. I'm...

One ounce or more or less will result in detonation.Nhiều hay ít hơn một chút cũng có thể làm nó phát nổ. The above three cases are in...

air infiltration
see "air infiltration"^ a ă “Air infomation” (bằng tiếng Anh). Do whatever you can to reduce air infiltration.Hãy làm bất cứ điều gì b...

infiltration capacity
The team estimated groundwater recharge for a baseline period of 1971 to 2000 using a model known as Variable Infiltration Capacity (VI...

infiltration gallery
As per wikipedia, infiltration gallery has the advantage of bank filtration to reduce the water treatment requirements for a surface wi...

infiltration of air
The leakage rate or infiltration of air through the building envelope is of concern, both of which are strongly affected by window cons...

infiltration process
Regular cleaning of the ear twice a day, the ingredients in the oil will help to clean the harmful bacteria on the ear, preventing the ...

infiltration rate
It is particularly important, for example, that the water application rate does not exceed the infiltration rate of the soil.Điều đặc b...

infiltration tactics
No matter how big the school it is, it’s going to difficult to hide against infiltration tactics that use golems.Dù ngôi trường có to c...

moisture infiltration
3, sweeping motor motor is more afraid of the tide, if the moisture infiltration is very vulnerable to damage, and the summer is a rain...

rate of infiltration
Rate of infiltration.Mật độ INFILL

a probable result
The likelihood that a possible outcome could resulta probable result một kết quả có thể có Instance in which you might say this: An emp...

conduce to a result
Lead, to an outcome.đưa đến kết quả to conduce to a result

counting result
The report on vote counting result is as valuable as the minutes of meeting of the Board of members and must contain the following info...

function result
What does a JavaScript function result when it has no return statement?Kết quả trả về của hàm số trong JavaScript là gì khi nó không có...

good result
I've got a lover already We won't have good resultTa có người yêu rồi chúng ta không có kết quả đâu We want to get out there and get a...

indeterminate result
Among a total of 780 women tested during the study period, 59 did have what's known as a BRCA1 mutation and 35 reported having a B...

intermediate result
Date of Intermediate result announcement may be changedNgày thông báo kết quả có thể thay đổi Is a workspace for holding temporary obj...

measuring result
The measuring result will be almost the same asKết quả thu được sẽ tương tự như 1 minute to warm up before the measuring result is acc...

operating result
Issues that will affect the operating result in 2010:Những nét nổi bật của kết quả hoạt động trong năm 2010: Porsche once again signif...

payment by result
Straight piece rate system is the simplest method of payment by result in which payment is made according to the number of units produc...

practical result
But what is the practical result of their action?Nhưng kết quả thực tiễn của hành động của họ là gì? “But what is the practical result...

result code
The Status-Code element is a 3-digit integer result code of the attempt to understand and satisfy the request.Status-Code có 3-digit số...

result file
In fact, if you use Maxprog Bulk Mailer, you can name your result file "DELETE" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" and drop it over MaxBulk Mailer recipi...

result of determination
It is the result of determination,Ðó là hậu quả do quyết tâm của chúng, The entire process of retroactive check including the process ...